The world is dynamic and ever changing. The changes are caused by both internal and external factors and sometimes the changes prove to be detrimental to the very survival of the organization when the organization is not fully prepared with the strategic succession planning and succession management.

Talent Leaders Inc has seen the disaster of the organizations when not fully prepared and has helped organizations to survive the turbulence when the key and critical resources decides to leave the organization or just no more due to various reasons such as death or disability.
Talent Leaders Inc works with our clients to have a comprehensive strategic succession management plan that encompasses talent management strategy, talent development strategy and succession planning & Succession Management Strategy ensuring that our clients stay in business operation standpoint with the right resources ready to step into the key and critical roles at times of need.
Talent Leaders Inc Succession Management Model (RDAS) TM

- Talent Strategy
- Talent Market
- Business Strategy

- Key Roles
- Critical Role
- Strategic Roles

- Ideal Job Holders
- Assigning Successors
- Monitoring Successors

- Talent Development
- Talent Retention
- Succession