The Career Interest Profiler is a Canadian developed measure of the six Holland’s Occupational codes (RIASEC). The Career Interest Profiler (CIP) measures six traits and suggests 20-40 top careers that fit the test taker’s interests. Unlike many interest inventories that focus on professional careers, the Career Interest Profiler offers a substantial number of vocational/technical occupations that do not require a college or university degree, as well as many that do.
In comparison to the Strong Interest Inventory, the Career Interest Profiler provides a brief profile that highlights the client’s reported level of interest in each of Holland’s six categories.
These people like active jobs that produce tangible results, and enjoy fixing, building, and repairing things.
These, people enjoy work that involves gathering information, developing theories and analyzing data.
These people enjoy work that involves gathering information, developing theoris, and analyzing data.
These individuals like to work with people. They enjoy team work and tend to be nurturing and caring.
These people like selling, managing, and persuading others, and pursue organizational goals and economic success
These people like activities that require attention to detail, organization and accuracy.
The Career Interest Profiler was designed to clarify the types of activities a person enjoys and highlight occupations where these interests can be met. By combining an in-depth description of a person’s likes and dislikes along with jobs that match these preferences, the CIP can guide career decision makers. This allows people to explore a variety of occupations which have something in common with their interests. The goal of the CIP is not to identify one perfect job for a person, but to help them focus their career search on areas which relate to their interests and hold the best promise for a satisfying and rewarding career.