The future of communication training is here

Public speaking skills are key to professional development, but practice is intimidating and infrequent.

Ovation in virtual reality overcomes these obstacles by providing a supportive audience that feels real alongside training tools and feedback designed to grow your skills and confidence.

Who is Ovation for?

Enterprise departments, including Sales, L&D, E-Learning, and Customer Training

Educational Institutions

Professional Speakers

As real as virtual gets

Choose from a variety of familiar venues and speaking tools. Speak to animated audience members made from scans of real people.

Record & play back your speech from anywhere

Ovation records in 3D, enabling you to critique yourself from every angle.

Percentages located above each side of the audience indicate how evenly the speaker is speading their attention during a speech.

Prolonged attention towards one sideof the audience triggers a visual reminder to shift the speaker’s attention to the other side.

Prolonged attention towards a speech tool (projector screen, note card, laptop, teleprompter, etc.) triggers a visual reminder to shift the speaker’s attention back to the audience. *Requires headset with eye tracking.

Targets, or “Guiders”, surround audience member’s heads, directing the speaker’s attention casually around the venue.

Filler words fly out of the speaker’s mouth when uttered, actively encouraging the substitution of more effective words or silence.

The speaker’s mic will glow red and vibrate when it is held outside of pick up range, reminding the speaker that their audience cannot hear them.

If the speaker is not gesturing at all, or not varying how they gesture, their controllers will vibrate and a visual cue will appear to encourage more effective gesturing.

Train with effective tools possible only in virtual reality

Let Ovation guide your improvement in real time. Instant feedback and virtual cues ensure you are always on the right track.

Review improvement from key metrics

Spot trends in analytics captured during your recordings.

Grades are calculated from captured analytics — challenge yourself to improve with each performance!

See All of Ovation's Analytics!

Enjoy much of Ovation without putting on your VR headset

Through our web portal, users can manage their account, review and share recordings, and provide feedback.

Organization administrators can easily gauge user adoption and improvement.

Integrated with your organization’s Learning Management System and Virtual Learning Environment

Companies can expand their existing KPIs by importing Ovation’s analytics and usage data.

Educators can incorporate Ovation’s grades into student assessment.

Accelerate your training with Ovation's advanced eye-tracking features.

Ready for your Ovation?

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